About Me

About the Artist (Baldeep Kaur) Meet The Artist

A warm welcome to everyone who made an effort to visit my website. Hi, my name is Baldeep Kaur and I am the artist behind STONED CREATIONS.
My never ending journey with the colours started recently. Amidst the chaos of Covid 19, I discovered my true love.
Like a lot of us, once we go through an overwhelming experience, we are never the same person. The whole perspective changes on life and all things life touches. This was the time when I got terminally ill. In 2018 I had a heart attack followed by cancer in 2019. During my recovery is when I started to paint and I cannot describe in words how peaceful I felt. I felt like Alice who was lost in her own beautiful wonderland.
I literally feel like I got blessed by God himself, like he guided me towards it, carved a path for me so I could see beauty and life in everything again. Every morning I would look forward to get out of the bed and paint something. I am and will always be very Grateful for everything.
I sincerely hope that each one of these artwork that are a labour of love, bring the same love, peace and serenity in your life too.
I am someone who has a lot of passion and love for paintings and artwork. The mediums used by me are varied and very specific to what I am wanting to convey and has been bestowed upon me. I have tried to portray to the best of my ability, my truest emotions that brings me so much contentment, joy and peace. And I hope you are able to relate to it the same way I do.
I am writing a short description about each one of my artwork, but if you would like me to elaborate about anyone of them specifically, then please feel free to get in touch.
A big hearty Thankyou to people who visited my site and people who bought my artwork. May God bless you all with good health, wealth, love, peace and prosperity in your lives.

Baldeep Kaur About the Artist

A warm welcome to everyone who made an effort to visit my website. Hi, my name is Baldeep Kaur and I am the artist behind STONED CREATIONS.
My never ending journey with the colours started recently. Amidst the chaos of Covid 19, I discovered my true love.
Like a lot of us, once we go through an overwhelming experience, we are never the same person. The whole perspective changes on life and all things life touches. This was the time when I got terminally ill. In 2018 I had a heart attack followed by cancer in 2019. During my recovery is when I started to paint and I cannot describe in words how peaceful I felt. I felt like Alice who was lost in her own beautiful wonderland.
I literally feel like I got blessed by God himself, like he guided me towards it, carved a path for me so I could see beauty and life in everything again. Every morning I would look forward to get out of the bed and paint something. I am and will always be very Grateful for everything.
I sincerely hope that each one of these artwork that are a labour of love, bring the same love, peace and serenity in your life too.
I am someone who has a lot of passion and love for paintings and artwork. The mediums used by me are varied and very specific to what I am wanting to convey and has been bestowed upon me. I have tried to portray to the best of my ability, my truest emotions that brings me so much contentment, joy and peace. And I hope you are able to relate to it the same way I do.
I am writing a short description about each one of my artwork, but if you would like me to elaborate about anyone of them specifically, then please feel free to get in touch.
A big hearty Thankyou to people who visited my site and people who bought my artwork. May God bless you all with good health, wealth, love, peace and prosperity in your lives.

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